He Whakamārama

Pou Akoranga (Foundation Symbols for Learning)
1. HARAKEKE (Tau 1-4)
Hutia te rito o te harakeke kei hea te kōmako e kō, maku e kii atu he tangata, he tangata, he tangata
(Weaving and strengthening our community, whanau hapu and iwi and developing our sense of belonging)
2. KOWHAI (Tau 4-5)
Ko te Pūāwaitanga tenei o ngā Tauira
(The blossoming and use of skills and knowledge learned that is applied in everyday life)
3. TUI (Tau 5-6)
Ko te manu e kai ana i te miro nōna te ngāhere, ko te manu e kai ana i te matauranga nōna te Āo
(With confidence and respect it is time to utilise the knowledge attained to venture further into the world)
Āpiti hono tātai hono
(Connecting people, place and knowledge)
Nei au ka noho, taku Pāharakeke!
He waka hourua tō tātau kura o Maungatapu. Ko Te Pūwhāriki te rauawa tangata whenua e whangāia nei ki ngā taonga tuku iho i a kui mā, i a koro mā. Ko te Reo Māori me te mita o te kāinga nei te reo whakaako, te reo whakakōrero.
Enrolment Guidelines
- Priority will be given to tamariki with whakapapa links to Ngāi Te Ahi and Ngati Hē, and must live within the school zone of our Kura.
- Tamariki must have a good command of Te Reo Māori. An interview with the Whānau and the tamaiti will be conducted prior to approving enrolment.
- Parents will be made aware of our expectations within Te Pūwhāriki
- Once enrolment is accepted, an enrolment form must be filled out and returned to the school office before they official begin.
Expectations of Whānau and Parents
The list below outlines the level of commitment expected from Te Puwhāriki parents.
- Regular attendance to Kura.
- Speaking and promoting te Reo Māori to your tamaiti.
- Attending Te Pūwhāriki whānau hui at least once a term.
- Attend whānau/kaiako conferences.
- Tautoko mai, honohono mai ki ngā kaupapa katoa: Ngā haerenga EOTC, SEESAW, pae papori ā kura.
Importance of Te Reo Māori
Te Reo Māori is the paramount language in Te Puwhāriki. Te Reo Māori is enhanced when the tamaiti has support at home from someone who is able to kōrero with them in Te Reo Māori.
When required, parents or guardians are encouraged to support the development of their child’s reo Māori by attending Te Reo Māori courses and promoting te reo Māori in their household and lifestyle.
Tamariki transitioning from Kohanga Reo
Tamariki transitioning from Te Kohanga Reo should begin transitioning two weeks prior to starting school. Tamariki are to be accompanied by an adult (parent, caregiver, or kaiawhina) for the duration of the transition.
Transition times are 10am – 11am on Thursdays. Please contact the Kura to confirm transitions with Kaiako.
A pōhiri for new tamariki is important at our Kura and are held on the first day of each term. Our pōhiri are for whānau who are starting on day one – or – anywhere in that upcoming term.
Stationery and Uniform
Information regarding school uniforms and stationery can be found in the enrolment pack, school website or from the school office.