Te Kura o Maungatapu, Maungatapu School is a decile 5 contributing (Year 1-6) primary school with a roll range of 525 to 600, pupils. The children come from both rural and residential areas and a wide range of socio economic backgrounds. Parental involvement and interest in the school is a community strength.
Over 130 years old, Maungatapu School was established in 1881 and has experienced significant changes ever since. At the same time the school culture continues to value its rich heritage. The Maungatapu peninsula is steeped in Maori history. The land on which the school is currently situated, traditionally named Te Pūwhāriki, was gifted to the Education Department by local iwi in 1908.
The school is uniquely positioned between Ngāi Te Ahi and Ngāti Hē, with further connections to Waitaha nui ā Hei. Upholding relationships with local tangata whenua as kaitiaki of our community, is an imperative part of our school culture.
Te Aotūroa (the natural environment) provides a rich source for learning at Maungatapu School. The harakeke, kōwhai and tūi were once prolific in the area. Our local sites of significance, including our pā sites, our rivers, our maunga (mountain) Mauao, the tohorā (whale), and pāpaka (crab) are recounted in the tribal kōrero of the hapū and iwi of Te Tahuna o Rangataua (estuary of Rangataua).
Te Kura o Maungatapu, Maungatapu School recognises cultural diversity, the unique position of Maori within New Zealand society and the importance of Te Tiriti o Waitangi. We are committed to ensuring that all students experience success at our kura. We acknowledge these rights and responsibilities through the acknowledgement of our history and the provision of dual medium learning: Auraki (Mainstream) and Te Pūwhāriki (Rūmaki/Reorua). Our dual medium nature is embedded into the fabric of the school’s special character. This is further strengthened in the development of our localised curriculum (marau ā-kura) encompasses local cultural knowledge and identity.
Our Charter is a ‘partnership’ document. Together, students, teaching team, community, Ministry of Education and support agencies have worked to produce this strategic document that sets clear goals for improving student achievement” and meets the mandatory government initiatives. Our Charter sets the future direction for our school. We see it as a “living document” able to be adapted and changed as required. It backgrounds our shared values and beliefs and the meaning behind our vision, not only for the students but for the school as a whole.
Our 2024 strategic planning doc is below (Click here for a larger version)